Holiday Services

Luke 1:39-56 “Singin’ in the Reign” Rev. Peter F. Uwarow 12/15/24

“A Service of Lessons and Carols” Sunday Evening Service 12/8/24

Luke 1:26-38 “The Fullness of Time” Rev. Michael R. Coffee 12/8/24

Luke 1:1-25 “Reliable Gospel of God Who Remembers” Rev. Peter F. Uwarow 12/1/24

Mark 15:1-39 “A Crown, A Cry and A Curtain” Rev. Michael R. Coffee 3/29/24 Good Friday

Matthew 2:1-15 “A Kingship Conflict” Rev. Peter Uwarow 1/7/24

Luke 2:21-38 “Behold, Salvation” Rev. Michael Coffee 12/31/23

Luke 2:1-7 “The Birth of Jesus” Rev. Peter Uwarow 12/24/23 AM

Luke 2:8-20 “Glorious, Good News” Rev. Michael Coffee 12/24/23 PM

Luke 1:26-38 “The Annunciation” Rev. Michael Coffee 12/17/23

Genesis 22:1-14 “Promised Lamb” Rev. Peter Uwarow 12/10/23

Isaiah 9:1-7 “For to Us a Child is Born” Rev. Peter Uwarow 12/3/23

Luke 24:1-12 “Christ is Risen” Rev. Peter Uwarow 4/9/23

John19:16-30 “A Royal Death” Rev. Michael Coffee 4/7/23

Matthew 2:1-12 “Heavenly Proclamation” Rev. Michael Coffee 1/1/23

John 1:1-14 “Word Became Flesh” Rev. Peter Uwarow 12/25/22

Matthew 1:18-25 “The Surprising Birth of the Savior” Rev. Michael Coffee 12/24/22

Luke 1:46-56 “What Mary Knew” Rev. Michael Coffee 12/18/22

Luke 1:26-38 “David’s Greater Son” Rev. Peter Uwarow 12/11/22

Mark 1:1-8 “Voice of the Prophets” Rev. Michael Coffee 12/4/22

Matthew 1:1-17 “From Sinners for Sinners” Rev. Peter Uwarow 11/27/22

Luke 24:1-12 “Empty Victory” Rev. Michael Coffee 4/17/22

Luke 23:26-56 “Good Friday” Rev. Peter Uwarow 4/15/22

Psalm 121 “Our Help Comes from the Lord” Rev. Peter Uwarow 1/9/22

Matthew 11:1-19 “Wrestling with Reality” Rev. Michael Coffee 1/2/22

Isaiah 9:2-6 “After Darkness Light” Rev. Peter Uwarow 12/26/21

Luke 2:8-20 “Fear Not, Good News” Rev. Peter Uwarow 12/24/21

Luke 1:57-79 “Christmas Benediction” Rev. Michael Coffee 12/19/21

Luke 1:45-56 “Mary’s Magnificat” Rev. Peter Uwarow 12/12/21

1 Peter 1:1-9 “Pilgrims” Rev. Michael Coffee 7/4/21

John 20:1-10 “Necessity of New Life” Rev. Peter Uwarow 4/4/21

John:18-28-40 “The Truth of Man” Rev. Michael Coffee 4/2/21

Matt. 26:14-29 “New Covenant, New Supper” Rev. Michael Coffee 3/28/21

Psalm 81 “A New Year’s Psalm” Rev. Peter Uwarow, 12/27/20

Luke 2:8-20 “The Glory of Christmas” Rev. Mike Coffee 12/24/20

Luke 1:26-38 “New Life” Rev. Michael Coffee 12/13/20

Luke 1:5-25 “A New, Old Story” Rev. Peter Uwarow 12/6/20

Isaiah 9:2-7 “What’s in a Name” Rev. Michael Coffee 11/29/20

Luke 24:1-12 “Just As He Said” Rev. Michael Coffee Sunday 4/12/20

Romans 3:21-26 “What’s Good About Good Friday” Rev. Peter Uwarow 4/10/20